
Windows phone wont charge
Windows phone wont charge

Some of these reasons are so simple you might not have thought of them right away, but that's okay! We're going to cover all the possible reasons why your phone isn't charging, from the simplest to the more in-depth. Your iPhone could be not charging for a variety of reasons. It's still on underneath the crash! Here's How to Fix an iPhone That Won't Charge: When this happens, the phone isn't even actually off to begin with. This happened because your iPhone actually crashed while your screen was off, making it so you couldn't turn it back on or see whether or not it was charging. It looks like your phone has died and is stuck on a black screen. If it's a software problem causing your iPhone not to charge, the reason is surprising. (Even if there were a hardware problem, it would more likely have to do with the charger port itself and not the battery.)

windows phone wont charge

Because of this, it's usually a problem with the software compared to a problem with hardware when the battery won't charge. Here's why your iPhone's inability to charge more than likely has nothing to do with its battery: the phone's software is actually the mastermind that tells your phone whether or not to charge. Believe it or not, the charger port isn't even connected to the battery! Your Phone Could be Not Charging Due to a Software Problem Everybody associates the battery with the phone's ability to charge, so it's natural to assume that's what is at fault when something goes wrong. The most typical first thought when a phone won't charge is that somehow it's the battery's fault. Just Because Your Phone Won't Charge, Doesn't Mean It's the Battery! The last thing you need is to stress yourself out too much and cause more damage to your phone when the issue could have simply been a faulty cable. Make sure to read each and every option before beginning so you don't jump to any drastic choices right away. After trying these solutions, you'll be back on your iPhone in no time. But don't worry! Wirefly has many solutions for you to try, and one of these should fix your problem. You're desperate and, to be honest, a little all over the place trying to figure this out. In this scenario, you have an iPhone and – for some reason – it won't charge anymore. Practically their whole world would be up in the air waiting for this to be fixed! So with that, you can imagine just how devastating it would be for a person if suddenly their phone wasn't charging.

windows phone wont charge

Humans and phones have become basically attached in today's modern society you'll never find a person without their phone with them.

Windows phone wont charge